Day 6: Magic Kingdom
On our last day, we were on the fence about whether or not we wanted to purchase Genie+ for the day. We were hoping to not have to spend a full day at the park, but there was supposed to be rain coming in, so we decided to go ahead and do Genie+. We got up a little bit later than we had the rest of the week, but we were still out the door by 7:30.
We booked our first Lightning Lane for Winnie the Pooh with an arrival window of 9:05-10:05 because we noticed that the wait time for it was fairly long on our first day there (40 to 50 minutes for most of the day on Monday) and it was something that we definitely wanted to do for Hannah.
We were pretty much able to walk right on the bus when we got to the bus stop at the resort around 7:40 and we were through security not long after 8:00am. We took some pictures at the castle, and then got in the rope drop line. We were not worried about rushing toward Seven Dwarfs Mine Train this time, so it didn’t matter if we were close to the front.
We rode small world first because it was something that the girls really wanted to ride that we didn’t get to do our first day. Then we did Under the Sea (always a short wait and a favorite).
We noticed that our LL had been converted to a Multiple Experience Pass because the Winnie the Pooh ride was down at the time of our LL. We were worried that if we used those passes on something else, that we would not be able to book Pooh again since one of the rules of Genie+ is that you can only book each ride once. However, we found that if your Lightning Lane is converted to a Multiple Experience Pass, then you CAN rebook that ride later. Also, as soon as it’s converted to a Multiple Experience Pass, you’re able to book your next LL (I talk more about the Multiple Experience Pass in my post all about Genie+).
We booked Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin for our next LL with an arrival time of 10:00 (ish). This was one we didn’t get to on Day 1, so it was on the top of our must do list for the day
We decided to use our Multiple Experience Pass on Big Thunder Mountain, so we made our way to Frontierland. We made sure to fill our popcorn bucket at the stand next to BTM.
We walked back toward Tomorrowland, and on our way, we stopped to get a fruit and nutella waffle from Sleepy Hollow (my favorite Disney snack, and a must-have!). They only serve these for breakfast (until 11:00am) so don’t sleep on them! I was kicking myself, wishing we had gotten two waffles instead of just one! In my excitement to eat it, I forgot to get a picture.
After eating our delicious waffle, we made our way to Tomorrowlad to make our LL for Buzz. We could tell the rain was about to come in, so we parked our stroller in a covered area across from Monster’s Inc. Laugh Floor.
As soon as we scanned our bands to use our LL at Buzz, we were able to make another selection. We decided it would be fun to do preferred seating for the 3:00 parade. It looked like it would be raining during the 12:00, so we figured more people would be going to the one at 3:00.
When we got out of Buzz, it was pouring rain! Carousel of Progress is covered on the outside and right across from the exit for the Buzz ride, so we ran straight across to Carousel of Progress. It’s a 20 minute animatronic show, so this was the perfect place to wait out the rain.
Thankfully the rain had stopped when we got out of Carousel of Progress. We walked over to Pete’s Silly Sideshow to meet Minnie and friends. We parked our stroller outside of the circus tent and covered it with the stroller cover so it wouldn’t get wet if it started raining again. The line for Donald and Goofy was shorter than the line for Minnie and Daisy. We went through the shorter line first, then to meet Minnie and Daisy. Hannah was excited to meet the characters, but she was more cautious with the characters in costumes that covered their faces. She was much more receptive with the princesses and characters where you could see their actual faces than she was with characters like Minnie and friends, and Pooh. She told me she wanted me to “holdj” her while she met them.
She was especially excited about Minnie. She had been talking about meeting her for quite some time! Look at that sweet smile.
By the time we got done with meeting characters, it was pouring down rain again. We shopped around in the store to try and wait it out. When I went to check on the stroller, I found that our stroller cover had blown off! So everything in it was soaked, including our bags and our rain jackets (they were underneath, but still got soaked through). Poor Hannah had to sit on a poncho for the rest of the day, or else her dress would have been soaked.
We came ill-prepared for the temperature drop that came after the rain. We had brought our rain jackets (which were wet) but we really needed sweatshirts. Although, had we brought sweatshirts, they probably would have ended up soaked as well, because chances are they would have been underneath the stroller with the jackets.
The rain slowed to a mist and the girls wanted to ride the Barnstormer. Raley agreed to try it out and she ended up really enjoying it! It’s a super short ride, that often has a short wait, so David and I each took a turn riding with both of the big girls.
While waiting for David to ride Barnstormer with the big girls, it was time to book our next LL (it had been two hours since booking the last one). The Winnie the Pooh ride was back up and running and I was able to snag a LL for around 1:30.
Since Dumbo is right next door to Barnstormer and Pete’s Silly Side Show, we rode the Dumbo ride, then grabbed some churros. I’d never had Disney churros before, but I wasn’t super impressed. They were only ok.
Next it was time for our Winnie the Pooh LL. Sweet Han Han finally got to ride Pooh and she loved it. She was waving “hi” to all the characters. 🥰
We mobile ordered lunch while in line for Pooh. David, Audrey and I wanted Casey’s Corner and Raley wanted the beef nachos from Pecos Bill again. As soon as we got off of Pooh, me and the kids walked to Pecos Bill and David went to pick up Casey’s Corner. The people at Casey’s corner gave him to-go boxes to carry everything in so that he wouldn’t have to carry the tray across the park in the misty rain. We decided to eat at Pecos Bill rather than Casey’s because it’s inside and we were chilly.
At 2:15, two hours after our last LL booking, we were able to book our next one. We decided to snag a 6:00 Peter Pan.
By the time we got done eating, it was time to make our way toward the parade. The rain had stopped and the sun was starting to peek out here and there. The preferred seating area is in the round courtyard in front of the castle. It was already pretty full when we got there around 2:40, but we found a front row spot.
The parade was one of my favorite moments with the big girls. It was so much fun to see them jump up and down with excitement to see their favorite characters. Elsa even noticed that Raley was wearing her dress and had a braid like hers. It was so sweet to see.
At 3:15, we were able to book our next LL. We booked Big Thunder Mountain for 5:30. We were able to book this one to ride again using Genie+ because we had used a Multiple Experience Pass the first time. We hadn’t used a Genie+ selection to book it, which allowed us to use the LL to ride again.
The girls had been asking and asking to ride the Peoplemover, so after the parade we went to Tomorrowland to ride that. We then made our way to Adventureland. The Magic Carpets is one of our favorites, so we hopped in line to do that. Then we grabbed a Dole Whip float, a pineapple upside down cake, and a coffee and found a spot that was tucked away in a covered area away from the wind (see map below)
It was about time to make our way back to Big Thunder Mountain, but we decided to stop and go to the Tiki Room first. I mean, I guess the Tiki room is kind of cute and a nostalgic thing for some people, but it was a one and done experience for me. It was only ok.
We rode Big Thunder Mountain one last time each, then walked toward Peter Pan to use our LL. And wouldn’t you know it, as soon as we get to Peter Pan, it breaks down! So our passes were, again, converted to Multiple Experience Passes. We were about ready to call it a night and didn’t want to wait it out to see if Peter Pan would come back up, so we decided to use our MEP to ride Pooh one last time and then head back to the resort. Pooh was a sweet way to end the night.
We rode the bus back to the resort, and stopped at the food court to grab some dinner before heading back for the night. We got the kids settled in bed, and tried to pack up as much as we could that night so we wouldn’t have so much to do in the morning. We ended up leaving out around 9:00 in the morning and made it home at 8:20pm CST (it was a loooong drive).
It’s unreal how fast vacations go, especially Disney vacations. I wish I could rewind and do all of it again. I already miss the magic! Thanks for following along with our Disney Vacation. I hope that these posts can help someone somewhere in their planning process. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m happy to help with all things Disney.
In case you missed it:
All Things Genie+
Day 1: Animal Kingdom
Day 2: Magic Kingdom
Day 3: Epcot
Day 4: Disney Springs and Art of Animation
Day 5: Hollywood Studios
Family Disney Vacation 2018
What we wore:
Raley’s Elsa dress: Presley Couture
Audrey’s Moana dress: Presley Couture
Hannah’s Minnie rainbow dress: Whistle Britches Children
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