May has been the busiest, biggest month we’ve had in quite some time. This month has been chock full of big events and milestones – a big move, a new baby niece, the end of the school year (Raley’s last-last day of preschool), preschool graduation, dance recital (Audrey’s first), and rounding out Raley’s first year of softball. Phew! It’s been a whirlwind of activities and a whirlwind of emotions. So let’s get to it!
I plan to share more about our move in the near future, so I’ll just briefly touch on it today (I’ve got some pretty good packing tips, so stay tuned for that). We started to entertain the idea of buying and selling just a few short months ago, not knowing that by the end of the school year we would be in a new home. We had no idea the process would move as quickly as it did, but we are glad that it did. We decided to buy a new construction home in Madison. Our old home was also considered Madison, but it was on the very south end, which made for a longer commute to most everywhere we frequented. We are now much closer to most everywhere we want to be (only about 6 minutes from my parents’ house as opposed to 20!) and very very happy! Realtors (and TV shows) don’t lie when they say “location, location, location.”
A majority of the past two weeks have been consumed by unpacking, and shopping for things to make our new house a home. While we’ve still got quite a ways to go, it’s starting to come together nicely!
We enjoyed a nice, quiet Mother’s Day this year. David and the girls brought me breakfast in bed then we spent most of our weekend unpacking and getting things put together around the house and letting the girls play. The girls would randomly tell me Happy Mother’s Day and give me hugs and kisses, which was sweet to know that I’m on their little minds.
Last Sunday I started to sit down and make a shopping list and plan out meals for our week and I realized that we would not be home to eat a home cooked meal one night for the entire week! Monday I worked a 12 hour shift, Tuesday was Raley’s last ballgame and her team went to Dairy Queen after the game, Wednesday we drove to Birmingham to meet our new niece, Thursday was preschool graduation and we went to dinner afterward, and Friday we were planning to be at my parents’ house for dinner (we ended up ordering pizza and having my family over at our house that night). It was an odd week.
So Tuesday night was Raley’s last softball game. It was supposed to be last week, but it got rained out and rescheduled. She wasn’t a huge fan of softball, but I think she had fun meeting new friends (and playing in dirt). We’ll reevaluate next year to see if she’s interested in trying again!

David’s sister Lindsey was scheduled to be induced in Birmingham on Wednesday of last week, so we made plans for David to get off of work early to go meet our sweet new niece! Baby Bailey made her arrival shortly before we got there and we were pleased to hear everyone was healthy and got to meet her just a couple hours later! This is Lindsey’s first baby and our first niece on David’s side of the family, so I know we’re all in for lots of fun times ahead! The girls were obsessed with her! Raley kept asking to hold her and Audrey wanted to make silly faces at her. I especially look forward to the holidays this year and in years to come.
Thursday was our BUSY day, but I was very much looking forward to it! We started the day with the girls’ last day of school. I may or may not have shed a tear after dropping Raley off for her last last day.
I picked the girls up a little early from school to book it to the VBC for recital dress rehearsal. I’m not going to lie, getting my girls dressed up for recital is one of my top joys in life. They love the make up and the costumes, and I love seeing the smiles on their faces when they look in the mirror.
They both danced with zero fear on stage during rehearsal, and it was so cute! Audrey’s tiny little three year old self was so stinking adorable up there on that big stage and Raley has come such a long way since her first year of dance. She is actually excited to get on stage now and perform in front of people, and she has worked so hard to learn her dance this year. It seems that dancing may be her “thing” because of her natural musicality and her love for making up dances. We’ll see what the future holds though!
After rehearsal we went home for about an hour, Audrey took a short nap, then we got ready to head to the girls’ end of the year program and graduation. We got there a little early and Raley found a few of her best friends from school and they were too cute holding hands, jumping up and down, and hugging. This put a lump in my throat (that’s still there as I type this) as I stood and watched the joy in the girls’ faces because I know that she will miss her sweet friends next year. Of course she will make new friends in Kindergarten, but these preschool friendships are so precious.
All of the classes sang songs on the stage before the graduation ceremony. Raley’s teacher sent home a picture of Raley in her cap and gown and seeing her in that picture, looking like a big girl, brought me to tears, because I can almost picture her as a teenager in a cap and gown graduating high school. Who am I kidding though, anything that has to do with preschool ending and Kindergarten starting brings me to tears, and this is not a new thing.
I am so proud of the kind girl she is becoming. I’ve always called her my sweet girl because she has a kind heart and has so much love to give. I hope that she always keeps that and always shows kindness to other kids at school. There are so many unknowns as she enters elementary school and I know that our simple issues that we have now will become more complex as she enters the big kid world, but I hope that if I can teach her only one thing, that it’s to love and be kind to everyone. I see so much hope and potential in her little face and while I’m sad to let my “baby” go, I’m excited to see what she will do in her life.

That brings us to recital! I was so stinking excited for recital day! The girls were adorable all dressed up and I always get nervous waiting for them to come out on stage. I had absolutely no doubts that they would both dance this year because Raley was ecstatic to dance on stage and Audrey has no fear. My little stinker proved me wrong though. Apparently when they took her class backstage she was upset that Raley didn’t get to go with her so she stood on stage and did nothing while all the other girls danced so cute. 🙄 Raley, of course nailed her dance!

After recital we went to Rosie’s for lunch (as is tradition) and took it easy the rest of the day.
Thanks for sticking with me this far! We’ve had some big events this month and I am looking forward to a slow down. I’m hoping to make the summer last as long as I possibly can because I am 100% dreading the first day of Kindergarten! I know it’s going to fly by though. It always does. Have a wonderful week!
In the last day of preschool picture where the girls are together your Audrey has so much sass! Absolutely adorable pictures. My kiddos are older but I remember the season of life you’re in now. I’d just want to stop time and bottle those days up and keep them forever. Enjoy your summer with them.
Haha Audrey has so much sass! I know these days go by way too fast and I’d love for time to stand still. I’m going to try my best to savor our time together when they’re little!
What a great month you’ve had. I can’t wait for you to share your moving tips. I just accepted a new job in Minnesota (I’m from Illinois) and most of my stuff is still in IL and I need to figure out the best way to move it all up here in the next few months. So any tips and tricks are much appreciated! What are your plans for the summer any travel??
Packing felt overwhelming at times but I actually sort of enjoyed it! It’s the unpacking that takes forever! We don’t have any summer travel plans this year. We may do a quick weekend getaway before Raley starts kindergarten but nothing big planned
Y’all packed a lot in those few days!
We sure did!!