I am proposing a challenge to myself and anyone who would like to join in! During the month of November, many people use the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday as inspiration to intentionally think on the things they’re thankful for in their lives. Some make lists, some pray, some talk about it around the Thanksgiving table with friends and family. I am proposing a little something different.
I have participated in this myself, and while I think it’s wonderful to recognize and be thankful for things we tend to take for granted, by the end of the month I’m usually racking my brain to come up with something I haven’t written down yet. Or I mindlessly write something down and don’t take the time to really think on it and give thanks to the One who has provided these blessings.
So this November I have challenged myself to write down a prayer each day. I’m calling it the November Prayer Challenge. My plan is to write down one thing to pray about each day, then meditate on it, and go to God in prayer. While some days it may be prayers of thanksgiving, it doesn’t have to be centered around giving thanks every day. It could be something that I’ve been struggling with or that’s weighing on my heart. It could be a prayer for someone who’s sick or having a hard time. It could be a prayer for peace or contentment. It could be a prayer for patience. It could be a prayer of forgiveness. It can be anything we want to talk to God about that day. He wants us to cast our anxiety on Him, because he cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)
While giving thanks is always important, I know I’m sometimes guilty of praying the same things over and over and not digging deep and talking things out with God. I encourage you to join in on this challenge and really meditate on what you have to talk to God about. Take out a piece of notebook paper and jot something down for each day. You don’t have to write out your entire prayer on paper (although you can if you’d like). Just a few words is enough. But make sure to take the time to go to God in prayer about it. Think on it throughout the day.
One of my favorite times to pray is when I’m driving by myself in the car. I am usually talking out loud because it keeps me more focused than if I’m praying in my head. People around me probably think I’m a nut job. But it’s one of the only times of day when I am alone and not distracted by kids or the TV or social media. I think we tend to get so caught up with always being distracted or entertained, that we forget to study and pray. I’ll be the first one to admit that I’m guilty of this.
So please, will you participate in this challenge with me? If you do, please let me know! There are some verses below that revolve around prayer and thanksgiving that you may be interested in reading as well. There are 30 of them, so if inscribing the word is your thing, there is one for each day of the month! Use the hashtag #novemberprayerchallenge if you care to share! I hope this is something that interests you and helps you draw closer to God. I am excited to get started!
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Heather, I am a new reader, located in Decatur, Alabama. I have a blog called Nanaland where I blog about this season of life as a Nana. Would love for you to visit. I love your November challenge. Like you I tend to pray while driving or out walking in my neighborhood. I love your idea of writing down a prayer each day. I will try to follow along and do this with you!! It reminds me of Abilene in The Help. She shared that she wrote down her prayers and it helped her to do so!! Love your blog!!
Thank you Arlene! I’m excited to head to Nanaland and browse around!