Back at the beginning of the summer, I shared 20 summer bucket list activities we hoped to participate in this summer. Today I’m sharing a quick summer recap of how we fared – what we checked off and what we didn’t.
Here’s what was on our list:
☐ Movie in the park
We did not get to check this box off. Every time there was a movie in the park we were either busy, too tired, or didn’t feel like sitting out in the heat. Maybe next year.
☑ Family movies for $1
We made it to a couple of these actually! I was worried about how Audrey would do in the theater, but it was filled with other rowdy kids, it was only $1, and I didn’t care as much if she sat still. She did surprisingly well though!
☑ Watch fireworks
We were able to see the Dublin fireworks from our church parking lot. I love seeing how excited the girls get watching fireworks!
☑ Play at the park
Oh yea, we definitely got some good park playing in!
☑ Go to the Botanical Garden
Playing in the water features at the garden is one of our favorite summer activities.
☑ Grill and eat outside
Our grill stopped working at the beginning of the summer, but we still grilled out plenty of times at my parents’ house.
☑ Swim…ALOT
We definitely checked off both parts of this one!
☑ Pick strawberries
We went to Brown Farm and picked strawberries Mother’s Day weekend. This is something I would like to go out and do again next year.
☑ Ride the carousel
Check! We ride the carousel just about every time we’re at Bridge Street
☑ Walk the greenway
I’m so glad we finally got to check this one off! I kept putting it off because of how hot it was most of the summer, but about a month ago we had a nice morning where it was a bit cooler and met my friend Erica and her girls to walk the greenway. It’s so beautiful out there! I hope to make this a regular thing once it cools off.
☑ Make s’mores
My girls had their first s’mores this summer and loved them! Although I think they’d just prefer to eat marshmallows.
☐ Play in the rain
We did this back in the spring, but haven’t done it again this summer! We need to before it gets cold again, because they absolutely love it!
☑ Play in the pop jet fountain
We got to do this a couple times!
☑ Go to the zoo
YES! We didn’t make it to Nashville or Atlanta like I had hoped, but we made it to Memphis, which is a beautiful zoo!
☑ Drink a peach milkshake
I can technically check this one off, but it wasn’t as satisfying as I had hoped. I got one at Chick-fil-a and it was not good. I ended up making one at home another night and it was ok, but not as good as what you’d get at the Peach Park.
☑ Battle of the Food Truck All-Stars
David and I got to go to the food truck rally in Downtown Huntsville one evening when the girls were with his parents. We had hoped to make it to one of the brunch food truck events, but never got to make it out there. We still technically get a check mark.
☐ Go to a Farmer’s Market
I actually never made it to a farmer’s market (besides the one they do at the hospital on Thursdays). I still have a little more time to make it out to one. I think they go through October.
☑ Get ice cream from the ice cream truck
One afternoon we were just walking outside to go on a walk and saw the ice cream truck coming. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, so the girls were able to get their first popsicle from the ice cream truck and we were able to check it off our summer bucket list.
☑ Visit Early Works
Another favorite outing of ours! It’s great for quiet, calm play time if you want to get out of the house for a bit.
☑ Play at Let’s Play
We actually avoided Let’s Play for most of the summer because it was just a madhouse, but we were there a couple of times for birthday parties and we went another time with friends after the schools started back.
Overall we did pretty well with checking items off our list! Next week I’ll be sharing what’s on our fall bucket list. We’re getting started with my favorite time of year and I’m so excited. I’m ready to embrace all things fall, if only the weather will cooperate!
What was on your summer bucket list? What’s on your fall list?
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