Happy Wednesday! I’m doing something new this week and linking up with Mel, Sheaffer, and Shay for What’s Up Wednesday. These are done the last Wednesday of each month to talk about what’s been going on and what’s coming up…a little different version of my typical Life Lately posts. So here we go!
What we’re eating this week
I actually haven’t had to cook yet at all this week. Sunday evening we went out with my in-laws to celebrate Father’s Day with David’s dad and we ate at BJ’s Brewhouse.
Monday night we had spaghetti at my parents’ house.
Last night I went out for a little going away get together for some friends from work at Yellowhammer and had Earth and Stone Pizza. This was my first time eating here and it was so good! The company was even better. Robby and Sara, we miss you already!
This is a really awesome crew right here. Several of them have moved on from CVICU, but I cherish nights like this when we can spend some time together and catch up. |
As for the rest of the week, I have no idea what we’re eating! I guess I need to get on that.
What I’m reminiscing about
Cali! This time last year we were in sunny Los Angeles, spending time with friends, soaking up the perfect weather, eating the best food, and watching baseball. Oh how I wish we could go back!
What I’m loving
Stitch Fix! If you missed it, I got my first box over the weekend and was so, so excited! My next box is not scheduled until September and I cannot wait! (I wish I could get one every month, but right now it’s just not something we need to spend the money on.)
What we’ve been up to
This week my niece Payton is in town, staying with my parents, so we have been soaking up lots of “cousin time” this week. My niece Addy (Payton’s little sister) had her second cochlear implant surgery last Thursday so Payton came home with my parents so that Brian and Shannon can focus on Addy and helping her recover. I know they miss their big girl, but we’re thankful they’re sharing her with us! When I was little, time spent with my cousins at my grandparents house was always my favorite, so I know these little girls are having fun (even if they do fight like sisters!)
What I’m excited about
Actually, the thing I’m most excited about is swim lessons next month. I’m excited to see how they will do in the water and where they will be when it’s all over. It goes Monday-Friday for two weeks straight. Raley has always been hesitant when it comes to going under the water, and even getting water splashed in her face, so it will probably be rough for her at first, but I’m really hoping that she takes to it and realizes that swimming is fun and ends up wanting to learn what she’s being taught.
Now Audrey, on the other hand is a little fish who loves to go under water so that will not be an issue. Her biggest thing will be listening to what her teacher tells her to do (because she’s 2 and easily distracted.) I’m hoping by the end of this they will both be able to swim without puddle jumpers!
What I’m dreading
I just got done talking about how excited I am about swim lessons (and I am) however our second week of swim lessons falls on the same week as VBS, which means we will need to be up and at swim lessons by 8:00am all week and will have VBS at church from 6-8pm. Plus I’m teaching a Kindergarten class so realistically I’ll be there later than 8. All I know is that we will probably all be zombies by the end of it and if you don’t see much of me on here that week, you know why.
What I’m working on
Actually, I’ve been putting more working in to this little blogging space of mine. Most of my spare time and energy has been going into this lately, and I thank you for coming back and reading what I write each week. I’ve got some exciting changes coming soon including a completely new customized web design and…a new name! I can’t wait to announce what it is and for you all to see the new site when it’s done.
What I’m watching
The Bachelorette and The Proposal. I’m always hooked on these Bachelor shows and as ridiculous as The Proposal is, it’s actually a lot of fun to watch!
What I’m reading
Right now I’m reading “Famous in Heaven and at Home” by Michelle Myers as part of an Instagram bible study. It’s about the Proverbs 31 woman and how we can mimic her character in our own lives. So far it has been very good!
What I’m wearing
Lots of Nike shorts and work out tanks in this scalding heat. Also my Sanuk yoga slings. These are so comfy and by far my favorite shoes to run around town in.
What I’m doing this weekend
Some of our family from Philadelphia will be stopping through here on their way home from the beach, so we plan to spend some time with them. It will probably be spent at my parents house in the pool because I hear the heat index is supposed to be 108 this weekend (ugh!)
What I’m looking forward to next month
I’m looking forward to swim lessons, a family picnic at church on the 4th, our ladies’ bible study, and going up to Kentucky to visit family 🙂
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