Good Morning and Happy Friday! Is anyone else ready for the weekend? I’m actually pretty excited about today. I have a hair appointment for highlights, which will hopefully get me back pretty close to my old blonde self. Then tonight we have our first Madison City Schools Best Buddies party! I am VERY excited to have the opportunity to be a part of this program. Best Buddies had a huge impact on me in college and I’m so excited to see it come to our school district, to foster friendships between people with and without disabilities.
OK! I’ve got my morning cup of joe and I’m ready to chat. These are my confessions this morning…
//It grosses me out to sit on a warm toilet seat. I would rather it be freezing cold than be warm
//It’s hard for me to motivate myself to workout. When I really get into it I’m usually pretty good about going, but when I get into a slump it is veeeerrrrry difficult to come back out of it. I’ve been in that slump for a few months now. About a month ago I thought I was going to work out after I dropped the girls off at MMO. So I drove to the Y and I parked the car, but couldn’t make myself get out. I sat there for 10 minutes, looking at social media, still unable to talk myself into going inside and getting on the treadmill, so I pulled right back out and went shopping instead. (shoulder shrug emoji)
//I think I may be pulling out of my work out slump, because I’ve finally realized that it’s getting hot and I’m going to be wearing shorts and tank tops very soon. I’ve also hit a number on the scale I haven’t seen since shortly after Audrey was born. And my scrub pants are tight. (ugh)
//I need a motivational coach like Monica on Friends when she’s helping Chandler lose weight. “We’re workin! We’re movin! We’re in the zone, we’re groovin!”
//I want someone to hit me over the head with a baseball bat if I ever talk about coloring my hair dark again. This in between stage is for the birds! Hopefully today I’ll be closer to my old self. Now it just needs to grow back out! I miss my long hair and the ability to throw it into a messy bun
//I still have some Easter decorations out that I keep forgetting to put away.
//I don’t like kids. Don’t get me wrong, I love MY kids, of course, and my friends’ kids and my nieces. But I don’t like random stranger kids. I’ve always been this way, I just kind of thought it would change once I had my own kids (it didn’t). Working with kids is just not something I enjoy. I feel awkward around kids, they annoy me, especially when they’re being brats, or even when they’re trying to do something they think is funny for attention. And don’t get me started on changing other kids’ diapers. I don’t know why it’s so much grosser than changing your own child’s diaper, but it just is.
//I just got done reading Church of the Small Things by Melanie Shankle and I have found that she is my spirit animal! First of all she’s hilarious. But she talks about things like how she’s an introvert at heart and actually likes when plans get cancelled. She quotes Friends a lot. She says she struggles with guilt about her lack of desire to serve in the children’s ministry at church. She hates to exercise. She got started with a blog. I wish I could meet her and tell her thank you for pouring out her life story, and for not trying to seem perfect, because none of us are perfect.
I hope that everyone has a fantastic weekend and that all you moms have a good Mother’s Day!
*I also want to say it’s Nurses’ Week and Teachers’ Week, so THANK YOU to every one of you nurses and teachers out there! I am so very thankful for all the teachers and daycare workers and pediatric nurses there are out there, because there’s no way I could do it! (Shout out to my mom and Denise for changing stinky diapers and chasing toddlers all day!) Give me an intubated, sedated adult ANY DAY!
For more confessions, visit the Coffee Talk Confessions Archive
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