Last week while I was doing a little clean up on the blog, I realized I haven’t been very good about keeping up with these “Life Lately” posts. I originally hoped to post one every month to keep my readers updated on what’s going on around here. I also write these for me. I like to be able to look back at old posts years later and remember what was going on at that particular point in our lives. My last Life Lately post was in July, which is an indication of how busy it’s been around here! I won’t post everything that’s been going on since July, because that would just take way too long, but I will talk about what’s happened in the last couple weeks!
The day before we left for our cruise we made a trip up to Taft, TN for our annual visit to the pumpkin patch. I’ve stated before that in the past we have always gone to Tate Farms, but we had heard great things about Lyon Family Farms as well, so we wanted to give it a try. One review I read on Facebook stated that their family spent all day there from the time they opened in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon. I thought to myself there’s no way we’ll be there that long. Well, I was wrong! We got there around 10:30 and didn’t leave until 3:00. And there were still things we hadn’t done yet plus a few the girls wanted to do again! I am so glad we were able to make time for a favorite fall tradition. I would have been pretty bummed if we had to wait another year for the fun!
This place is humongous and there is SO much to do. There’s a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch, a petting zoo where you can feed/pet animals such as donkeys, horses, pigs, cows, goats, sheep, and more. They have super cute pig races several times throughout the day. There is a train ride, that we ended up not having time to do, several huges slides that my girls loved, bounce houses, a zip line (Raley rode it by herself and looked like such a big girl!), a few different playgrounds, a huge corn maze, corn pits, and so much more! They also have Pumpkin slushies, which are so good!
Audrey was hilarious when we were trying to pick out a pumpkin. She kept walking up to them and petting them saying “punkin soft.” It was cracking us up!
I think their favorite thing this year was the big slides. They also loved strolling around the corn maze. Raley liked to lead us through and decide which way to go.
Talking to this piece of corn |
We were able to purchase a huge cup of animal food (I think for like $2). Audrey kept taking a handful and just dropping in the pens instead of letting them eat it out of her hand, but there was still plenty to go around! These animals were beautiful.
This was David’s first year to get to go to the pumpkin patch and we are so glad he got to join us! I think he had almost as much fun as they did.
How we got a photo of everyone still and smiling is a miracle |
Raley’s orange “sock monkey” goes everywhere with us. She wanted to take a picture with him hanging from the corn |
After making it home from the cruise we spent the next couple of days trying to take it easy and catch up on some sleep. We spent a lot of time like this:
However, I was scheduled for surgery that week. My IUD had shifted out of place so they had to put me to sleep and laparoscopically remove it. I was admittedly a little bit nervous about anesthesia because of all the horror stories you hear about people having a reaction and not waking up. But God was with us, as he always is, and everything went fine.
My parents kept the girls for 3 nights so that I could rest. Plus I wasn’t supposed to lift over 20 pounds and with a strong-willed 1.5 year old that’s an impossible order to follow. I was very thankful for my family’s and David’s help in the days and weeks following the surgery because I ended up being much more sore than I thought I would be.
I love when I get pictures of them having fun when we’re away from them! |
My sister and her husband were home on fall break so they were excited to spend time with them too |
Besides sleeping, here’s a glimpse into what the parents did without kids in the house. I think we need to make grandparent sleepovers a more regular thing.
I LOVE family costumes so Audrey had to be the white rabbit. I wanted her to look cute and girly so I put together this idea. She’s wearing a red shirt under one of Raley’s dance leotards with a tutu. My Granny made the white piece with the heart and the blue collar. I think she looks perfect. Although those ears came off quickly.
I love Audrey’s little tale. And she insisted on dragging this bag around even though it was half as big as she was. |
I love seeing Raley with all her little friends!
*Raley is holding a baby doll, not a real baby. |
These girls can fight like sisters but they adore each other |
Addy is getting so big! She’s so close to crawling. |
Like I said, I love family costumes, so it was only fitting that I be the Queen of Hearts and David the Mad Hatter! I ordered my costume off of Amazon. I ordered a standard size and it fit well except for the length. It ended up being about 5 inches too long so I had to pin it up at the bottom. I actually found the crown on clearance at Party City.
I put David’s costume together with items I found at various thrift stores. His scarf was made out of a yard of fabric from Hobby Lobby that I tied in a bow. I ordered the Mad Hatter hat with the wig attached from Amazon. We ended up paying $16.95 for it, which I thought was a pretty good deal – they were selling the exact same hat at a local Halloween store for $30.
Notice Audrey’s ears on the ground! |
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