What have we been doing since we’ve come home from vacation? Well, the first week we were trying to catch up on sleep. This week we’ve been keeping it low-key but I’ve still been trying to throw in some fun little outings here and there.
David and I made a deal before we went to bed the Sunday we got home from San Diego – if he’d let me sleep in Monday, I’d let him sleep in Tuesday. Luckily for him, the girls slept until 9:00 on Monday morning (they rarely sleep that late). He took them out to grab some donuts and ran to the store to get some milk and a few other things we needed. I got to sleep in until about 10:45 (which also rarely happens). We all got ready to head to my parents’ house for lunch so we could see my sister Kayla Beth and her new HUSBAND (eek!) before they moved back to Tuscaloosa.
That afternoon we all went back to the house and took naps. I knew I needed to unpack and wash clothes and clean the house but all I could think about was sleep. We ate freezer pizza, played and watched movies until bedtime.
We are still having issues with Raley staying in her bed when it’s time to go to sleep. We didn’t realize that she had gotten out of bed and come downstairs until we were heading up to bed. She ended up passing out like this in the floor.
Raley’s dress is from Kohl’s. When I grabbed it out of her closet she said “Yes! I’ve been waiting to wear that one!” She loves this dress. |
She likes to climb on him |
This week my parents are at the beach and since my mom usually keeps the girls while I’m at work, I didn’t have anyone to babysit. What a perfect excuse to take a week off! We’ve had a busy week but it’s actually been wonderful to have so much time off to spend with the girls.
Since I knew we had a lot on the schedule this week, including VBS, swim lessons and a doctor’s appointment, I tried to balance out our time spent at home and our time out.
Monday morning we laid low at home, played and watched movies all morning until it was time to go to swim lessons at 2. I also tried to catch up on house work this week since I was still behind from when we were out of town.
Raley has been very hesitant about swimming and going under the water. She doesn’t like the idea of getting water in her eyes and she doesn’t like to float on her back. Her teacher Collin has been working very hard with her and her friend Ann-Elise this summer and we’re hoping that soon they will start to feel more comfortable and learn to swim on their own. We have definitely seen improvement but we still have a long way to go. Now that my parents have a pool, it just makes me so nervous that she’s going to fall in or go in without her puddle jumper, thinking she can swim, but can’t. She’s actually walked off the step a couple times without her puddle jumper and went under and couldn’t get back above water. Luckily someone was right beside her each time to grab her up but it just about made my heart stop both times.
After swim lessons we went home and Audrey took a nap. I knew Raley wouldn’t get a full nap in before VBS so I let her have “rest time” on the couch while watching a movie. If Raley is not able to get a nap, I like to have her lay down and “rest” for at least an hour. This allows her to slow down and recharge and usually helps with the fussiness later in the day. (It allows me to rest as well.)
I did not want to wake up this sweet sleepy face to get ready!
Tuesday we didn’t have anything on the schedule until VBS at 6:00 so I decided to take them out and do something fun that morning. We went to Palmer Park and played for a little bit. Audrey kept saying “Hot! It’s hot!” and blowing the air as if she were blowing her food that’s too hot. It was hysterical and precious.
There was really only one slide that was shaded and cool enough to slide down so we stayed on that jungle gym most of the time.
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Audrey at 18 months |
Raley at 21 months (this is also one of my favorite pictures) |
Raley and her friend Brynn |
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