My how time flies! Where did the last 9 months go? It feels like yesterday we were impatiently waiting to find out if we were pregnant.
This pregnancy was slightly different from my first one, but there were some similarities as well. I never had terrible morning sickness with either one. Just some slight nausea here and there that a little Zofran would tend to take care of. With both pregnancies I had an aversion to coffee and cokes my entire first trimester (and if you know me, you know I LOVE my coffee and Sundrop.) Luckily that mostly went away after the first trimester because lack of caffeine definitely didn’t help with the lack of energy problem. I was definitely more fatigued this time, but they say that’s normal with the second one since I’m chasing a toddler and trying to grow a human inside me.
Check out how we announced we were pregnant to our families and friends here.
This time I decided to do chalkboard signs for my “bump” pictures. It was fun (and sometimes challenging) coming up with something new each week.
I craved sour stuff like crazy early on. The more sour the better. I would cut up an entire lemon and eat it as a snack. For some reason, out of the blue I decided I needed Shockers candy. We were at the beach at the time and drove all around Ft. Walton and Destin trying to find them. Well little did we know, they don’t make Shockers anymore. They rebranded them and they are now called SweetTarts Sour Chews. We finally found those, which taste very similar and satisfied my craving. 🙂
We spent week 11 at the beach. I felt like I started showing much earlier with this one, around week 10 or 11.
I always love hearing baby’s heartbeat. Her heart rate has ranged from 140’s-160’s the whole time.
I was so happy to welcome in the second trimester! It seemed like around 14 weeks I started to get some energy back and my aversion to coffee went away (yay!). I also started feeling little movements around this time.
Instead of them telling us the gender in the office during the ultrasound we had them put the pictures in an envelope. David and I went to get coffee and donuts immediately after our appointment and found out together, just the 2 of us. It was definitely hard to keep the secret for a few days.
Check out our gender reveal party. Sweet girl was excited to learn she’s getting a sister! She has no idea how lucky she is.
Something I really wanted to do last year, but we didn’t really get the chance, was to host a Friendsmas at our house. We had a few of our closest friends over to spend time together, eat Christmas dinner, and let the kids play and open presents. And as a bonus Bama was playing in the SEC Championship game that afternoon so we got to watch the game together (roll tide)! I didn’t take as many pictures as I would have liked, but I got a couple of the kids.
At my 36 week appointment the doctor said I was already dilated to 2 cm. He implied that I could possibly go into labor at any point and would be surprised if I made it to my due date. The whole next week I was on edge, thinking it could be any minute and obsessing over every little contraction.
That weekend I made a huge Walmart trip and stocked up on all sorts of food to stock the pantry and make a few freezer meals. My sister came over and helped me make the freezer meals Saturday afternoon. (Stay tuned for a post about that later)
The next week I worked 3 days and even though I didn’t stay super busy I was still having quite a few contractions and a lot of sharp pelvic pressure. By day 3 I felt terrible and I was sure that labor was imminent. My 37 week doctor appointment was during my shift on that 3rd day (it was the only time I could get in since it was Christmas week). They did an ultrasound to check the position and size of the baby and my fluid level. They said baby was measuring 6 lbs, 4 oz at that time. He also said that I was still only 2 cm dilated. As much as I wanted the Audrey to wait to come until after Christmas, for some reason the news that I had not progressed AT ALL disappointed me. I think it was because the contractions and pelvic pressure had been so bad that past few days that I was just ready for her to be here and for all that to be over.
They ended up sending me home early that day since I was feeling so bad and then had a much needed week off. I feel much better when I’m at home. I would still get some contractions if I were walking around alot (like shopping) and toward the end of the day, but they would just come and go.
I was thankful to have a long break over Christmas to spend with family and relax.
At my 38 week appointment the doctor said that I had progressed to 3 cm. I only ended up working 1 day this week. I was scheduled for 2 but I got called off one day due to low census. I was incredibly thankful for this extra day off to get to spend with Raley. You can read all about that here.
I took my 39 week picture a few days late. Little did I know that our little angel would make her appearance the next day!
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