To David:
Eleven years ago today we met for the first time on that youth group retreat in Gatlinburg. It was your 16th birthday. You had a girlfriend but we hung out and played card games all weekend anyway. I cannot believe it has been that long.
A few months later you called me and told me you had broken up with your girlfriend and wanted to know if I’d like to go out on a date. Of course I said yes. I had a major crush on you from the moment I saw you. (Blame it on the baby blue eyes…or the fact that you were a Kentucky fan)
Look at how far we’ve come since then! We graduated as high school sweethearts. Spent 4 and a half years at Bama together. I’m so glad we chose Bama…there’s no place I would have rather spent my college career (even though my dad really wanted me to go somewhere else.) We had our ups and downs during those years, no doubt, but we always pulled together and came out stronger on the other side.
Then April 2009 you asked me to marry you. Well that was a no brainer! Then June 2010 we walked down the aisle and said “I do” in the presence of our family and friends. Up until then, that was the best day of my life!
Newlywed life was amazing. It was financially trying, but amazing. They say the first year is the hardest. But we’ve always been able to lean on each other and lean on God to get us through. We showed that first year who was boss! It was just so much fun being your wife! Getting to be together all the time. Now it was US not “me and you.”
You were always such an amazing husband. You are (still) thoughtful and courteous and romantic. When I’m sick or having a bad day you always look for ways to make me feel better. (“Heather feel better medicine”) You always kiss me goodnight. And when I was pregnant with Raley I loved how you would kiss my belly and talk to her every single night from the moment we found out. I knew then you’d be an amazing Daddy. I love how we will leave each other notes with a dry erase marker on the bathroom mirror. Sometimes you buy me flowers or bring home chocolate for no reason.
Now you are such a wonderful Daddy. Two years ago today we got to see our sweet little Bug on the ultrasound for the very first time. I’m pretty sure we both cried 😉 Two years later she has grown into this BEAUTIFUL, smart, funny toddler. I love watching you with her. I love when you make her belly laugh. I love when you sing her songs and read her dramatic bedtime stories. I love how you take care of her when she’s sick. I didn’t think it was possible but I love you more now than I did the day we got married. And my love continues to grow with each passing day.
Happy Birthday, Babe! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us next!
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